Welcome to Second Church of Plymouth.
All are welcome to worship with us.
Sunday Worship
10:00 a.m.
Our relaxed worship service embraces the energy of children and adults as we come together to learn how Christ can be a part of our lives.
Services are offered in person every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
Join us for coffee immediately following our worship service.
Unable to join us in person? Watch on Facebook Live (Sundays at 10:00 a.m.) or on YouTube (pre-recorded).
If you have a prayer request to be shared on the screen during prayer time, please email the church office (secondchurchplymouth@verizon.net). The prayer book is also available at the front of the sanctuary to add a prayer.
Pastor Bruce Haapalainen
Rev. Bruce Haapalainen is pastor of Second Church of Plymouth. He has more than 42 years of pastoral ministry experience, most recently as senior minister at First Congregational Church in Mansfield, Ohio. He has served in churches with memberships from under 100 to 900, both as a solo minister and as a head of staff. Learn more about him, including the three gifts that he says he brings to ministry: a sense of humor, imagination, and energy.
The Adult Sunday School class will be studying "In the Footsteps of Jesus" by Max Lucado. Following the places where Jesus traveled, where he taught, and why. The lessons are presented via TV Video narrated by Rev. Lucado, followed by class discussion.
The children will be making backpack name tags the first day, and studying the Old Testament until Advent.